New York
Empowering Global Deals from the Heart of Finance

Managing Director
Mack Rossoff

1982: Harvard Business School. MBA mit Auszeichnung, Cambridge
1974: Princeton University, BA cum laude in Philosophie, New Jersey
Since 2020 GLCA Securities, Managing Director, New York City
Since 2015: IEG - Investment Banking Group, Associated Partner, New York City
Since 2008: Rossoff & Company LLC, Founder and Managing Director, New York City
2002 - 2008: Banc of America Securities LLC, Head of Gaming M&A at Banc, New York City
2000 - 2002: Wit Soundview Group, Head of M&A, New York City
1997 - 2000: JP Morgan, Head of Global Media and Entertainment Investment Banking, New York City
1995 - 1997: Schroder & Co. Inc., Head of Investment Banking, New York City
1992 - 1995: Dillon Read & Co., Managing Director and Co-Head of Investment Banking, New York City