Empowering Generation T
Financial Times acquires a majority stake in TNW
The Background Technology rules the world and life takes place on the Internet. It does not matter whether one wants to make appointments, transfer money, plan vacations, buy clothes or communicate with friends and family. The world is changing and so is society – a phenomenon that can best be seen in the development of Generation T. People belonging to said generation are tech savvy and they know how to deal with digital technologies and their challenges. This makes it the most important resource in companies, because it brings essential talent and provides tomorrow's leaders. TNW (The Next Web) has evolved into a technology-enabled exchange platform for this target group.
The Deal TNW has successfully sold a majority stake to Financial Times. IEG – Investment Banking Group has acted as exclusive financial advisor to the shareholders of TNW during the entire sell-side process. Sebastian Schirl, Executive Director at IEG, states: “We are proud to add another landmark deal to our continuous engagement in the unique Dutch tech sector. With TNW and Nikkei-owned Financial Times joining forces, IEG once more has proven its ability to identify an exceptional partner with unequalled synergetic potential, and to successfully execute a complex transaction across borders, cultures, and regulatory requirements.”
The Partners Founded in 2006, TNW is a technology-enabled diversified digital media platform, created with a vision in mind: to inspire and connect Generation T, the global tech community. TNW provides tech giants, global corporates and institutions alike with intimate access to future industry leaders as well as a unique pool of in-demand technology talent. The Financial Times is one of the world’s leading business news organizations, recognized internationally for its authority, integrity and accuracy. The FT has a record paying readership of 985,000, three-quarters of which are digital subscriptions. It is part of Nikkei Inc., which provides a broad range of information, news and services for the global business community.
The Perspective Angela Mackey, Global Publisher at FT Live, the existing events business of The Financial Times, stated that there are “clear synergies between TNW and FT Live, in sharing audiences and delivering the FT’s world class journalism on live stages in Europe.” Both companies will join forces and are looking forward to working “together in this digital-first age and combining our expertise, networks and influence”, according to Boris Veldhuijzen van Zanten, CEO at TNW.