Patrick Hellmann Schlosshotel
Brahmsstraße 10
14193 Berlin



IEG 执行总裁Stefan Heilmann和IEG董事会成员Frank Dupuis主持:“晚餐、对话和奉献”系列的第一届活动

是时候赶上了。Stefan Heilmann和Frank Dupuis已经开始了一个新的活动系列,将才华横溢的人聚集在一起,形成一个独特的生态系统。“晚餐、对话和奉献”活动旨在提供一个相互学习、讨论令人兴奋的话题和分享投资的绝佳机会。2018年11月20日,第一届活动将在Patrick Hellmann Schlosshotel酒店举行。活动于下午6点开始。Stefan Heilmann和Frank Dupuis邀请了一名特别的嘉宾 Rashaun Williams他是Manhattan Ventures的合伙人和MVP全明星基金的普通合伙人,他将分享他的投资活动,尤其是他对美国科技市场的见解。




Header Pic © CCat82 via Fotolia

Location of Dinner, Dialogue & Devotion - Patrick Hellmann Schlosshotel
Frank Dupuis and Stefan Heilmann hosted the first event of the "Dinner, Dialogue & Devotion" Series
The event took place at the Musikzimmer of Schlosshotel Grunewald in Berlin, Germany
The event is by invitation only
25 brilliant minds gather together to create a unique ecosystem
In the middle - Frank Dupuis, Non-exec. Board Member with IEG Chairmann Oliver Kaltner (right)
Besides meeting interesting people, the event is also about great food and drinks.
Triple D - the perfect opportunity to learn from another and discuss interesting topics
On each event night, there is going to be one expert who shares selected insights - this time Rashaun WIlliams, Partner at Manhattan Ventures, talked about the US tech market
The event took place on November 20th 2018...
... with more to come in 2019!
Stay tuned for more information.
Patrick Hellmann Schlosshotel
Brahmsstraße 10
14193 Berlin