13. October 2016

Future-Oriented and Disruptive Industries - Lars Härle and Björn. B. Schmidt take positions on digitalisation


Smart City, Smart Factory and Smart Home dictate the future

THE INTERNET OF THINGS (IoT) is, according to Lars Härle, Senior Advisor at IEG - Investment Banking Group, one of the most determining factors that decide whether a company will be successful, profitable and longlasting. Especially companies in the sectors Smart Factory, Smart Cities, Mobility and Healthcare will be highly affected by recent IoT developments on the one hand but also benefit the most from it on the other hand.

Customer Experience digitized!?!

DR. BJÖRN B. SCHMIDT, former Managing Director at IEG, on the other hand, has focused on disruptive industries. He has emphasized that particularly the customer behavior will be highly affected by the further digitalisation. The general concept of ownership will be re-defined and fundamentally changed.



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